Sweet Genes Are Made of This

Jul 7, 2017 by Lindon Austin Crow

Imagine if your DNA was so malleable that a mere cup of tea, daily meditation, or your never-ending traffic-heavy commute could change it.

A study published in the journal Human Molecular Genetics showed that tea consumption in women leads to chemical changes in genes that are known to interact with cancer and estrogen metabolism.

Another study found increasing evidence that a person’s lifestyle and their environment influence the health of their offspring long before they have kids because of changes in genes.

Hundreds of studies have illustrated that what we eat, how we behave, how we think, what we do, where we live, whom we marry and other circumstances influence our genetic expression.

Epigenetics is the study of how genes are read by cells. How your genes turn themselves “off” or “on” is called “genetic expression.” Genes instruct cells to make proteins that trigger chemical changes for specific functions. These changes lead to biological modifications.

Your emotions are triggering your genetic expression.

Think of those times you stressed over bills, or how constant arguments with a spouse left you with resentment and anger. Maybe you never got over an ex and feel a longing for “the one”? Or, you hate getting up for work in the morning.

Life brings us circumstances. If we don’t deal with them well, they have the power to influence our genetic expression. In fact, stress hormones are known to cause major epigenetic changes.

Epigenetics shows us that when we change beliefs about circumstances, we can influence our genetic expression. Your unconscious thinking influences how your genes chemically interact with your cells.

Bruce Lipton is a stem cell biologist and author of The Biology of Belief. He has written extensively about how our environment and our perception of the environment controls epigenetic activity. He writes in his blog:

This new perspective of human biology does not view the body as just a mechanical device, but rather incorporates the roles of mind and spirit. This breakthrough in biology is fundamental in all healing, for it recognizes that when we change our perception or beliefs we send totally different messages to our cells and reprogram their expression. The new biology reveals why people can have spontaneous remissions or recover from injuries deemed to be permanent disabilities.

Belief is key. We at Productive Learning want to help you take control of the unmanned, unconscious thinking that can trigger negative beliefs.

Beliefs begin with your unconscious thoughts. The story you tell yourself about your unhappiness and failures has more impact on your evolution than you know.

Over time negative beliefs lead to stress, depression, and anxiety. These emotions trigger “on” and “off” switches in genes that can lead to chronic illnesses like cancers.

But you can take control of your unconscious thinking. In our workshop, Beyond Reasons we explore your unconscious thoughts. We root out the genesis of why you think the way you do, we show you why you’re getting those mediocre results and how to change them.

We also encourage you to bring family and friends with you for a communal transformation.

We understand that epigenetic changes happen over an extended period of time. This is why we offer ongoing workshops. We work with you to get you to another level of thinking that brings on the positive action with workshops that meet your unique needs.

Maybe you need clarity and The New EQ can help you unmask answers. If you need to figure out what your values are in order to create a stronger life mission then Core Values is for you. Perhaps anxiety overwhelms your daily thoughts? From Anxiety to Empowerment gives you techniques for transforming your thinking and being.

Remember that to control your genetic expression you must first control your unconscious thinking. When you empower your thinking, you transform your life down to your cells.
