
Learning Intensives for Personal Growth

When you participate in Learning Intensives you are stepping into highly effective environments designed to add depth to your personal growth. Because Productive Learning believes in the power of intimate group setting, you will be sharing these memorable experiences with like-minded people expanding their own consciousness and building their own personal awareness, just like you.

Productive Learning believes that when you can remove yourself from your distracting day-to-day routine you become more open to new perspectives and growth. For that reason, there are a variety of Learning Intensive workshops to choose from each year, including 3, 5, and 10 day programs.

Why we chose this format:

When you take the time to step away from your regular day-to-day activities and give yourself time to reflect, then you are able to eliminate distractions and focus on your personal growth. The time spent away at these Learning Intensives (3-10 days) allows for increased depth of investigation.

As you participate in Learning Intensives, you give yourself the gift of learning in a highly experiential environment. Once you participate in these “real-time” experiential intensives, your mind will open up to new perspectives and begin relating to your thoughts and feelings in more productive ways. Learning Intensives are truly unforgettable experiences in personal growth!

Travel domestically and internationally with Productive Learning:

Each year Productive Learning schedules a 10 day intensive workshop to an international destination along with several 3-5 day domestic intensives. After being in business for the last 25+ years, Productive Learning has an extensive list of places it has been.

Domestic: California (Southern, Central, Northern), Arizona, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming, etc.

International: Canada, India, China, Egypt, Peru, Vietnam, Croatia, Indonesia, Spain, Australia, Africa, etc.

What activities would you be doing in a Learning Intensive?

Popular Learning Intensive Workshops:

How to get the most out of your Learning Intensive:
