
The Insighter – February 2022

Feb 22, 2022

Dearest Friend in Growth,

If two years of pandemic life–constant changes, fear, confusion, restriction from loved ones, too much time with loved ones in confined spaces–taught us anything, it is that love is complex.

Yet, as Valentine’s Day came and went, we were getting pressure from every angle to express our love “correctly.” For weeks we subtly heard that our love isn’t right or good enough unless we bought the diamond necklace, wrote a poem, delivered it in a grand gesture in front of a sparkly fountain after a dreamy candle-lit dinner with decadent dessert, and made sure someone got a perfect picture… and did it all on the right day of the year.

Oh and don’t forget about the cards and treats (allergy free, of course) for your kids’ classrooms and ensuring all your team members knew you appreciate them.

Are you exhausted? We are just thinking about it.

But LOVE can’t be done “correctly.” It is different in every relationship. It isn’t exhausting or time-constrained, either. It’s rich and deep and complex and generous and abundant and kind and supportive and meaningful and messy.

The best part? Extraordinary relationships–extraordinary experiences of love–only require one conscious participant.

So if you’re a romantic we hope you enjoyed the hell out of a dreamy Valentine’s Day. But if that kind of expression of your love doesn’t feel clean and meaningful, we invite you to try some of these options instead, and enjoy them year-round. Use them with your significant other, friends, or even yourself!

As Zora Neale Hurston says, “Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.” We hope in this month of love that you find true connection with your loved ones and yourself, and that love draws your soul more vibrantly into this world.

All our love,




The Productive Learning Team

PS: If love is feeling inaccessible or less than great for you right now, we can help! Join us at Relationship Dynamics on March 19-20 in Mission Viejo, CA.


How are you loving yourself in 2022? If lightening your load and freeing yourself to achieve the life of your dreams is on your list, join us at our next incredible FREE Masterclass!

En“LIGHTEN” Your Life
FREE Masterclass
March 16th at 4:00pm – Zoom

Have you ever tried box jumps at the gym? Jumping from a standstill onto an elevated platform? Imagine that the life of your dreams is waiting on top of that box. But no matter how hard you try, you just can’t jump high enough to land on top of the box.

Endless repetitions and training. Still, just bruised shins and frustrating defeat.

Until one day… your trainer lifts off the backpack full of weight you’ve been wearing. You’ve been carrying the backpack for so long, you didn’t even realize you were wearing it!

On your next attempt, you land squarely on top of the box.  🙌 🎊

Box jumps may not be your thing. But odds are, you do have a backpack and it is full of false beliefs and unconscious patterns that are sneakily weighing you down.

Join us in the FREE Masterclass, En“LIGHTEN” Your Life, where we will explore what creates the weight in our backpacks and why we keep carrying them around even though they keep our dreams just out of reach.

Wednesday, March 16 at 4:00pm on Zoom
Can’t make it? Register anyway to receive the replay.

>>Register for the FREE Masterclass En”LIGHTEN” Your Life on March 16! <<

If that sounds intriguing, we’re taking it up several notches in our upcoming workshop:

Learning Intensive
June 10-12, 2022 – Long Beach, CA

Our lives aren’t bad. There is nothing truly “wrong” so, why risk making ourselves uncomfortable by pursuing a path of personal growth?   
Because intuitively we know we are carrying around a lot more than we need to. We carry around assumptions and preconceived notions about the world and ourselves that burden us, that weigh us down and hold us back from the life and experience we envision.
We also intuitively know it takes work to release the unnecessary. Work that is SO worth it, because we experience more vitality living in the updated truth of today.
Why? Because we feel the freedom that comes when we lighten the load!
If you’re ready to unburden yourself of the weight of your false beliefs and unconscious patterns, join us for En“LIGHTEN”ment!
In this retreat-oriented workshop, you will take time for yourself to identify and contemplate the weight of your unconscious assumptions and their impact on your life. You will discover what you need to break out of the constraints of your mind and experience the exciting truth of who you are. You will leave feeling lighter and freer than ever before.
Free yourself with us at En“LIGHTEN”ment on June 10-12, 2022, in Long Beach, CA. Tuition includes two nights at the hotel based on double occupancy and self parking.
Click here for workshop information.


>>I’m interested in enrolling in En”LIGHTEN”ment! << 

Blue Zone? Yes, please! 

Magnificent landscapes, pure air, brilliantly clear seas, historical tours, mythical stories, archeology, robust natural flavors, invigorating herbs, wine, deep connection, belly laughs, and naps. Just imagine the glory! 

In Ikaria, Greece, the people live on their own time, their own terms. There is a mentality that stress stems from one focusing too much on obeying and serving others rather than tending to themselves. They are self-sufficient and a completely connected community. They seem to understand life.  

They create vitality in their lives and experience the richness available from the depths and breadth of life. Richness that they say comes from strong connection–to one’s self, others, and the experiences along the journey. Unsurprisingly, the data says this helps them live longer lives that they truly enjoy. These are just a few of the lessons shared by the people fully embracing life in this breathtaking Blue Zone. 

Blue Zones are the areas on Earth with the highest concentrations of people living to 100+ years. Join us for a unique and unparalleled learning vacation through Greece, where we will engage and explore the philosophy of “Ikarian Balance” between nature, freedom, time, and personal development. 

Delve into this culture with Productive Learning on our Living Gracefully learning vacation this fall! Explore the rich history, invigorating diet, heart-warming hospitality, and laid-back view of life. Then melt with joy as you realize this is just one piece of a learning-soaked fascinating adventure around Greece!  

>> Tell me more about Living Gracefully in Greece! << 

What is a Learning Vacation? 

Learning vacations with Productive Learning are an exceptional value and the experiences of a lifetime! These unforgettable journeys combine unique travel experiences with the workshop-style learning you know and love. 

When you join us, you’ll travel with top-notch people who are equally dedicated to leaning into the depths of life and supporting profound curiosity. Even better are the highly skilled facilitators, creating a safe harbor for the inherent growth and challenges of international travel, while carefully guiding you out of your comfort zone and helping you stretch beyond your previous limitations.  

Furthermore, our long-standing relationships with travel experts allow us to visit locations and experience cultures that “tourists” cannot access, while still maintaining 4- and 5-star travel. What more could you want?!

Questions or curiosities? Click below to have a trainer call you with more information! 

>> Tell me more about Living Gracefully in Greece! << 



Goals on Track!?

Only 8% of people accomplish their goals each year. EIGHT. 


We want you to be part of that 8%. Leverage Productive Learning Coaching programs to lean into whatever area of your life you most want to improve.

Women only, goal achieving, you name it, we have the structure and the format that hits the mark. But it’s no child’s play when you step into a coaching relationship…

It’s not always the fact that you don’t know what to do, it’s sometimes that you just can’t get yourself to do it! Other times it feels like beating your head against a wall, over and over and over…

New eyes on the problem can often kick things into gear. Add in some regular support through accountability and that’s a sweet tasting recipe for success!

Coaching can be those eyes and that accountability. If you want to make changes and improvements, all you really have to do is figure out which kind of coaching you want to step into. 

Make the Leap Coaching (small group)

Dozens of your fellow Conscious Community members have thrived through this intense goal-getting 12-week course, where you don’t just say what you want, you make it happen!

Nourished Coaching (women only, small group)

Join a small group of other women in this 12-week coaching program to transform the way you identify with your body and the way you approach food.  This ain’t your ordinary diet group!

Private Coaching 

Sometimes having 100% of the attention focused on you helps deepen the value of past insights and create the structure needed to achieve success. Choose a package that meets your unique support needs. 


New dates and topics recently added!  Explore our exciting 2022 workshop calendar to choose your next learning event.

1:1 Coaching

Private coaching is now available! Got a specific goal or dream you’re ready to make happen? Coaching will help you move farther, faster.   

Free Stuff

From weekly Facebook Lives to Podcasts, there are so many fun and FREE ways to stay inspired on your journey to extraordinary living.

FREE Masterclass – En”LIGHTEN” Your Life

Join us on Wednesday, March 16 at 4pm for a free Masterclass that will jump start your shift to freedom. Together we’ll explore how our false beliefs weigh us down and hold us back from the extraordinary life of our dreams. Then peak at what it takes to release ourselves from that burden. 

Register here! Can’t make the time? Register anyway and we’ll send you the replay. 

Facebook Lives

We love connecting with our community in our private Facebook group, where we’re doing Facebook Lives twice a week. 

Facebook Live with Mark Nicole Tuesdays at 2 pm Pacific

Facebook Live with Lindon A. Thursdays at 4 pm Pacific

Kind of like mini-masterclasses, our Facebook Lives will give you more tools to create an extraordinary life, plus a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the lives of your favorite trainers!  

With a variety of topics from the practical (Crucial Conversations) to the abstract (Days of Grace) to fun insights the trainers have about themselves, you just never know what they’ll come up with next. 

Hop on with us live on Tuesdays or Thursdays, or scroll around and binge-watch past episodes at your convenience!

Join us on Facebook>  


Where You’ll Find Us

Explore our full 2022 workshop calendar here
