
The Insighter – July 2022

Jul 19, 2022

Get Lost!

When’s the last time you stepped out the front door, keen on adventure, without a plan on where your feet would take you? 

If you’re anything like me, perhaps the answer is “only under some sort of duress—also, where are we going and how are we getting there? Did you pack snacks?” 😰😵

If your sense of wonder is lost in the anxiety of being a bit spontaneous, that might just be the exact reason you should lean into (or at least rediscover) your Spirit of Adventure

Let’s pause for a moment to define “adventure,” because (spoiler alert) it is entirely subjective. To you, adventure may be driving to a different city and trying a new restaurant. Or taking your first surfing lesson at 50. Or packing a bag, buying a one-way ticket to Barcelona, and then spending the next four months backpacking across Europe. If you’re really embracing courage, an adventure may even be inward in a personal development workshop with Productive Learning! 😉

Now that we’re clear on the broad spectrum, perhaps we can agree that as much as we’re talking about adventure, we’re really talking about getting out of our comfort zones. Discovering the bounds of your comfort zone, and then gently expanding them, is one of the most incredibly transformative and freeing experiences we can have.

Magic happens outside your comfort zone

Have you thought something like, “I’d really love to [insert adventure here] but [insert excuse here].” There are a lot of reasons that we talk ourselves out of taking action:

Perhaps you don’t think you have enough time. 

           “I can’t possibly fit in a 90-minute cooking class once per week! My whole schedule would collapse in on itself like a dying star!”

 Maybe you’re worried the adventure won’t ultimately be for you, so you’re talking yourself out of it before even starting. 

“Gosh, going on that camping and hiking trip does sound like a lot of fun. Am I in good enough shape though? Would I hold up the group and just be miserable? Eh, I don’t want to sleep in a tent anyway…” 

You don’t need to do something outrageous to tap into your spirit of adventure and get a bit out of your comfort zone. That said, when you consider the idea of adventure, it’s valuable to notice the excuses and recognize them for what they are.

“I don’t have enough time” sounds logical, but is it really true? If adventure is important to you, how can you make time? Is there something else–a different discomfort–this thought is protecting you from?

As humans, we tend to use that big brain of ours for a lot of overthinking. The process of overanalyzing “the thing” will usually be about 100x more painful than “the thing” itself. If you have kids, you’ve seen this play out literally every time they’ve had to get a shot. We ALL do this to protect ourselves from perceived danger! 

Here’s the thing: creativity and self-discovery are available to you in adventure. You do not need to be Julia Roberts from Eat, Pray, Love to expand your horizons and enjoy these benefits. 

If a bit of spontaneity makes you a little itchy, you can absolutely take small steps and still experience tremendous insights or growth! You might just surprise yourself with how good it feels to stretch a bit.

Remember: we are far more likely to regret the things we did not do, compared to the things we did do. No one lays on their deathbed and says, “I really wish I hadn’t tried surfing that one time.” The FAR more plausible reality is someone saying, “I really regret not trying surfing while I still could.” 

 So put yourself out there! Get lost!

What is an adventure you’ve wanted to go on (big or small) that you haven’t gotten around to yet? Let’s make this the season of getting out of our comfort zone! Whether it is once per month, once per week, or once per day, challenging yourself to embrace the unknown will pay dividends. 

Happy Adventuring!

The Productive Learning Team


TL;DR: Getting out of your comfort zone and tapping into your Spirit of Adventure may not be as daunting as you thought. In fact, pushing yourself juuuuust a little may be one of the more transformational practices you can introduce to your life!


PS: Feeling ready to go on that amazing adventure that is going to change you from the inside out?? Check out our aptly named Spirit of Adventure experience in Tanzania, Africa, coming up in January 2023!!


Experience the JOY of being alive! 

Spirit of Adventure – A Learning Vacation in Africa

Our drive for adventure and discovery is built into the human system, but because of our need for control and safety, we lose touch with the thrill of being in the unknown. 

How could reconnecting with your own spirit of adventure serve you in your life at large? 

Experiencing life and ourselves without the desperate scrambling for control opens up enormous amounts of energy to allocate with intention. Would you leverage that energy for creative problem solving? Channel it into curiosity? Harness it to deepen relationships? Create more joy in your day-to-day? Embrace the surprise and beauty which inevitably lands on your path? 

Life IS unknown territory. We can plan and try to force as much as we want. Ultimately, we are on a journey we cannot control. Rediscovering our sense of adventure opens up entirely new ways to experience this journey. 

The Spirit of Adventure luxury learning vacation in Africa will help you re-connect to wonder, exploration, and the freedom that comes with accepting the adventure. Practice living with intention, despite the circumstance and truly enjoy the experience of being alive! 

Spirit of Adventure

A 5-Star Luxury Camping Experience in the Serengeti, Tanzania, Africa 

January 15 – 24, 2023 

> > Learn More about Spirit of Adventure <<    

Imagine the wonder, flow, and joy you can experience when you LIVE your spirit of adventure in everyday life!

Let’s do it. 



What is a Learning Vacation? 

Learning vacations with Productive Learning are an exceptional value and the experiences of a lifetime! These unforgettable journeys combine unique travel experiences with the workshop-style learning you know and love. 

When you join us, you’ll travel with top-notch people who are equally dedicated to leaning into the depths of life and supporting profound curiosity. Combine that with the highly skilled facilitators, creating a safe harbor for the inherent growth and challenges of international travel, while carefully guiding you out of your comfort zone and helping you stretch beyond your previous limitations.  

Furthermore, our long-standing relationships with travel experts allow us to visit locations and experience cultures that “tourists” cannot access, while still maintaining 4- and 5-star travel. What more could you want?!


Pocket Size Productive Learning! 

We heard you. Now you get to hear us! 

Pocket size insights, self-reflection prompts, and quick reminders. Plus our teams’ lovely faces (sometimes…)! You asked for little bits of PL love more often, more accessible. So we’re leveraging social media to support you several times a week! 

Follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook for mini doses of insight, reminders, and intriguing reflections. Share with your friends to help them create extraordinary lives, too!     







Where You’ll Find Us

Explore our full 2022-2023 workshop calendar here

