Hi, Everyone!
First Fall holiday is done and now we are on to the next! This time of year is filled with traditions that bring out the best and sometimes the stress in people.
Since all of us here at PL seek insights out of the mundane and the profound, the holiday season creates ample opportunity to watch our own reactions and see how strong of intentions we can muster.
This year isn’t like last year, and yet it still feels very unique to years past. Thankfully, we have been building many wonderful ways to connect and engage with you all. Also, with the ability to meet safely in person many of us are getting to strengthen healthy bonds and relationships with renewed richness.
Speaking of renewed bonds, we just finished a 3-day Couples Retreat in Carlsbad, CA with 10 couples and it was amazing! This was a time where these 10 partners talked about the real issues and made major headway in so many areas. Congratulations and thank you to all the couples that joined Lindon and Cassie for showing up big and making this world filled with more love!
Also, a great group of cowboys and cowgirls just got back from our Building Better Relationships workshop in Tucson, Arizona. Aside from riding horses, shooting pistols and bow and arrows these wonderful clients challenged themselves on how to create healthier relationships throughout their personal and professional lives. Betty Jo and Lindon Austin felt honoured to work with them for an entire week!
Have you seen the updated 2022 schedule which includes some cool new topics and avenues of self-discovery – everyone has something that will engage their growth!
Explore our 2021-2022 workshop calendar here.
Read through this whole issue, as there’s always something new to learn and discover. See you in person or virtually soon!
The Productive Learning Team
COACHING!? Productive Learning does small group coaching!?
Yep, we do. And we’ve even started a new coaching program in an area that’s brand new and specifically designed for WOMEN. It’s called Nourished and it looks at the longest term relationship that women will ever have, their relationship with food and their bodies. Want to tackle the foundation of how to build a physically healthy you? This is your place to start.
Do you have a goal you’ve been wanting to achieve but not getting any momentum on it? Or is it still just a dream that sits by the wasteside? Maybe the momentum is underway but everything seems out of control all of a sudden? Our original coaching program, Make the Leap small group coaching is a gamechanger for those of us that are ready to put their goals out there and MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Groups start in January…did someone say New Year’s Resolution!??
Thanksgiving is a time of appreciation and kindness. One of the most important people to give those to is YOU! This life is a wild one and you’re navigating it. You’ve made it over a year through a pandemic. You’ve had losses and frustrations. Excitements and wins. Some of us found more love and some of us lost it.
Any way you cut it, you did it. So we think it’s time you thank you…
There is endless learning to be had on the subject of appreciation. In fact, I bet many of you have done a year-long study of Living in Appreciation with us, and still see there is more to gain from this powerful concept.
Whatever your relationship with appreciation is, we think it’s an amazing aspect of living fully. So here’s a fun and easy way to tune up your gratitude skills. Take some time and reflect on these questions:
Take time to answer these. Maybe talk them over with another Conscious Community member. The reflection will get the gears turning as we enter into the season of giving and receiving thanks!
What do you do when the world has slowed down and you can’t connect with people in person like you usually do? You start a Podcast…or 3!
We’re delighted to introduce our “Conscious Guide To” family of podcasts, now available on Apple, iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and YouTube!
Listen in on your favourite PL trainers while they discuss their personal discoveries and challenges on the path of conscious living. You’ll laugh, cry, and get valuable insights and tips to apply to your own life.
Conscious Girls Drink Champagne with Cassie and Alycia
Conscious Guys Get Laid More with Lindon A. and Andy
Conscious High Achievers with Mark and Michelle
And keep an eye out for our Conscious Couples podcast coming soon! (For even more free content, check out our “Free Stuff” section below.)
New dates and topics recently added! Explore our exciting 2021-2022 workshop calendar and choose your next learning event.
Private coaching is now available! Got a specific goal or dream you’re ready to make happen? Coaching can help you move farther, faster.
From weekly Facebook Lives to Podcasts, there are so many fun and FREE ways to stay inspired on your journey to extraordinary living.
We love connecting with our community in our private Facebook group, where we’ve been doing Facebook Lives twice a week.
Kind of like mini-masterclasses, our Facebook Lives will give you more tools for creating an extraordinary life, plus a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the lives of your favourite trainers!
With a variety of topics from the practical (Mountain Bike Metaphors) to the abstract (Days of Grace) to fun insights the trainers have about themselves, you just never know what they’ll come up with next.
Hop on with us live on Tuesdays or Thursdays, or scroll around and binge-watch past episodes at your convenience!
Facebook Live with Mark Nicole – Tuesdays at 2 pm Pacific
Facebook Live with Lindon A. – Thursdays at 4 pm Pacific
Click here to join us on Facebook
We’re delighted to introduce our “Conscious Guide To” family of podcasts, now available on Apple, iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and YouTube!
Listen in on your favourite PL trainers while they discuss their personal discoveries and challenges on the path of conscious living. You’ll laugh, cry, and get valuable insights and tips to apply to your own life.
Conscious Girls Drink Champagne with Cassie and Alycia
Conscious Guys Get Laid More with Lindon A. and Andy
Conscious High Achievers with Mark and Michelle
And keep an eye out for our Conscious Couples podcast coming soon! (For even more free content, check out our “Free Stuff” section below.)
Do you check Facebook and Instagram multiple times a day? Do you also love the insights from workshops you take with Productive Learning? How would you like to be a part of this growing team?!
We are looking for someone excited to be a part of PL’s marketing and Social Media team. If you love workshops, have a natural tendency to be on Social Media all day, and would love to use your skills towards helping people live their extraordinary life, then send a message to LindonA@ProductiveLearning.com and let him know you want to hear about the social media position.