Successful relationships are critical to having a happy, fulfilled life. Almost everything in life that is important to people sooner or later involves someone else. The more intricately involved you are with someone the more important it is that you sustain a relationship with him or her that is mutually beneficial.
Relationships are dynamic and need constant care and attention. In order to accomplish this in today’s fast pace lifestyle, Productive Learning is offering this one-year workshop focused on turning all the relationships in your life into extraordinary ones.
This class meets once a month and is dedicated to the purpose of having you create and sustain astonishing relationships. Over the course of the year, you have the opportunity to focus on both personal and business relationships depending on your current or most pressing interest.
Southern California Dates:
Opening Weekend: November 9 (Sat) – 10 (Sun), 2019
Monthly Meetings on Fridays from 9:30am – 12:30 pm.
Closing Weekend: September 12 (Sat) – 13 (Sun), 2020
9:00am – 5:00pm
Northern California Dates:
Opening Weekend: November 9 (Sat) – 10 (Sun), 2019
Monthly Meetings on Saturdays from 9:00am – 12:00 pm.
Closing Weekend: September 12 (Sat) – 13 (Sun), 2020