It is said that life either happens by design or by default and you have the power to choose. Is that really true?
Yes! Of course, you have the power to design your life. However, you must simultaneously unhook from the unconscious default settings that guide our actions in order to cultivate that power. Our conscious goals are only as successful as our unconscious beliefs allow.
In this workshop, we take the time to consciously and creatively construct the life we have envisioned for ourselves. The workshop invites your higher consciousness to be the controlling force in your life by creating an emotionally compelling vision and completing manageable steps each month toward that vision. Through the support of the exercises and community, you will maintain the constant and dedicated effort necessary to design a life that reflects your ideals. You will complete this workshop taking major steps towards, or having, what had previously eluded you. You will cultivate the ability to make manifest your goals and dreams. Without actively evaluating and directing your thinking, your default and habitual patterns will continue to direct the outcomes of your life.
So the truth is, it’s more accurate to say; life will happen by default unless you choose to make it by design.
What do you choose?
This workshop is especially recommended for: Advancing Your Career, Dealing with Aging and Death, Finding Your Career, Finding Your Purpose, Getting Married, Overcoming Relationship Challenges, Redefining Roles and the future and Retirement.
Opening Weekend: Nov 10 (Sat) – 11 (Sun), 2018
Monthly Meetings on Fridays from 9:30am – 12:30 pm.
Closing Weekend: September 14 (Sat) – 15 (Sun), 2019
Opening Weekend: Nov 10 (Sat) – 11 (Sun), 2018
Monthly Meetings on Saturdays from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm.
Closing Weekend: September 14 (Sat) – 15 (Sun), 2019
Year Long