Coaching With Productive Learning

For those clients who desire a more personalized focus or want to fast-track their results, we are delighted to offer several options for private and group coaching with our highly-trained coaches.

Unlike workshops, where the topic, agenda and avenues of exploration are determined by the facilitator, in a coaching relationship, YOU bring the topic and agenda for each session, and you can talk about any area of your life that you wish. 

Coaches take the stance that you have everything you need to move your life forward, so rather than give advice your coach will ask you powerful questions to help you discover your own solutions, unpack what you are learning about yourself, and hold you accountable to your vision and your chosen action steps.

Whether it’s one-to-one or in a small group format, coaching can help you:

Unlock your full potential with our exclusive Executive and Private Coaching, tailored to elevate your personal and professional success! 

We also offer our Make The Leap Small Group Coaching, Effective Communication Small Group Coaching and Nourished Small Group Coaching for Women program three times per year. Each session runs for 12 weeks with groups of 3-4 participants. 
