All of Productive Learning’s workshop programs will support you on your journey of self-mastery. There are several workshop formats, each one is designed to address your particular level of commitment. Take a look at the descriptions below to see what type of workshop best fits your current learning agenda and your schedule.
Year Long Programs
Productive Learning’s Year Long programs create an environment of accountability and consistency for you to make lasting change through results-oriented study over an extended period of time.
Our year long program includes:
- MAY PROGRAM: Opening and Closing 3-day Retreat (Friday thru Sunday) at a TBD Resort
- 6 Monthly half-day sessions (typically on Friday or Saturday, 3 hours)
- 3 Quarterly full-day sessions (typically on Friday or Saturday, 9 am-5 pm)
Learning Intensives
Participating in a Learning Intensive with Productive Learning is a highly memorable vacation with like-minded people expanding their consciousness and building their personal awareness. Typically our Learning Intensives take place over a span of 3, 5 or 10 days depending on the distance traveled and the workshop content. We offer both domestic and international trips (e.g., tropical, culturally rich, exotic).
Coaching Programs
For those clients who desire a more personalized focus or want to fast-track their results, we are delighted to offer several options for private and group coaching with our highly-trained coaches.
Unlike workshops, where the topic, agenda and avenues of exploration are determined by the facilitator, in a coaching relationship, YOU bring the topic and agenda for each session, and you can talk about any area of your life that you wish.