>> NEW FREE 2025 MASTERCLASS SERIES – Click Here to Register <<


Identify where you are going in your life and why it is important for you to get there

All of us have experienced a time in our life when we felt vital and in touch with our own personal vision. Over time, our changing interests and needs (and those of the significant people in our life) pull us in different directions on our journey, clouding our ability to identify a sense of purpose. Our current situation reflects our success or failure at making choices that are congruent with our basic values.

We have found that the vast majority of people have never consciously identified what is most important to them. What do you want out of life? Why do you want that? “Mission” is an opportunity to remove yourself from the distractions of daily life and reflect on the “process.”

Successful businesses have found that creating a “Mission Statement” keeps management on track by identifying the purpose and goal of the company. This statement provides them with boundaries as to what is important and valuable to the company, as well as simplifying the process of setting policies and creating guidelines for employees. Similarly, as an individual with a purpose in life, gaining clarity and focus about the basis of your “mission” will enable you to answer questions like, “Why am I pursuing this career path?” or “Why am I feeling dissatisfied in this relationship?”

Client Testimonials

I came into the class very unclear and anxious about my life because I didn’t have any idea what my ‘guiding light’ might be. I fully enjoyed the activities and processes involved in discovering and articulating my mission. I now have peace of mind about how I’ll be living my life and look forward with a lot of enthusiasm to what is next.
- Sara B., Salesperson, Orange County, CA

clock Learning Intensive


Register Here:
( choose a date below )
Morro Bay, CA:
Oct 18 - Oct 20, 2019

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